I’m currently doing regional exams and to
be honest I don’t like them. Exams are hard and even
though I understand why they’re hard….up to a certain point. They’re suppose to be a representation of what you either learnt
in school in either 5 years or one depending on which level you’re at. What I’m saying is I honestly don’t believe that it’s a true representation of whether you’ve learned anything or not. I believe that we no longer
learn in schools. We pass. Most of us don’t study regularly. Studying isn’t taking up a book cause you know you have an exam tomorrow
or next week. Studying is the constant going over of topics to ensure that you
understand something, what we do I swat. And in the end even though it’s not good for us, we still do it cause we want to pass. No
one wants to fail a class, course or year because let’s be honest, in the times that we’re living in, that’s a lot of money. We all want to pass
and we’re all big procrastinators so most of us
end up swatting and sure it works for us now but ask us a week from the day of
the exam and we can’t tell you anything!
For one of my subjects I had to do a
research and one of my questions in the questionnaire’s handed out was if they thought that the regional exams
that we are required to sit in order to get into university were a true
representation of if we’ve learnt in school or a true
representation of how ‘smart’
someone is. More than 50% said no. I
honestly believe that some people are better expressing themselves while
talking in order to explain themselves than putting it on paper. Don’t get me wrong though, we all need to know how to put our
ideas on paper in a way that makes sense because at one point or another in our
life, we’ll probably have to produce a report for
a superior but the fact still remains that many don’t feel comfortable in the way that exams are set up.
Also, what
happened to those that get really nervous and stressed out during exams and
just fail even though they know the material. What of those students? I
understand that for my exam, we’re required to do a research or lab
reports, depending on the subject throughout the year which our teachers then
grade and give us a grade out of 20%
which we then enter the
examination with so that we have a part of our 100% already.
also come to notice that exam time is one of the most drama free time in your
life that you will ever. I think part of the reason for this is because no one
has the time to stir up anything because no one wants to be a cruff in the
future. Everyone wants to be able to go back to their high school reunion and
say, see I’m a big-shot and I have this and that.
Why is it though that we can’t think like this during the rest of the
year? Why is it only at exam time that everyone decides that they’re just not gonna put up with someone else’s bull. We need to try and evaluate or selves some more and
realise that this is the time where we’re making important decisions all year
round in order to have a future that we want.
So don’t
wait on exam time to study or even New Years to say that you’re gonna make studying a new year’s resolution for you this year. Decide now. If you know
what you’ll be studying in the school year to
come, make a head start from now, Take your own life into your hands and try to make your situation better.
Well, to be
honest, this post isn’t one of my best ones but it is one, so
here it is. Feel free to do whatever with it….
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