Sunday, 13 August 2017

A Letter to G

A Letter to G

Now, I’ve already written one letter and this should be my second and last but who really knows what will happen. Let us be honest with each other, we’ll never truly remember how we met but that’s ok because I’m just glad that we did. That’s the most important thing. And we really started talking because of cake. Food. Food has been one of the many things that our friendship has circled which is perfect to me.

          It was in 2012 when we ‘really met’ and became closer and closer and we haven’t stopped since. We’ve become basically inseparable and I’m perfectly fine with that. If you’re not, too bad. That’s just how it is. I don’t know if you realise the impact you’ve had on my life and how much I admire you. You have truly changed me and showed me a light that not many others are able to. It warms my heart that we have become so close in such a short amount of time and that we understand each other so well.

          I admire you for so much. You’re strength, your spirituality and your heart. You’re such a kind person that holds no judgement on others and those are such rare qualities that when I find them in people I grab on to them and hold them close. We have celebrated and mourned together but that is what friends are for. And you are my friend, one of the best anyone could ask for.

          I am truly grateful for everything that you have done for me and continue to do even though half of the times you don’t even realise it. You are one of the two people in my life that though we were not born as family, you still are. You are family and you are loved greatly, especially me. (one of the most touching things you ever did was put me as your emergency contact. I doubt you realise how much it touched me but to know you trusted me that much to put me down as one made a world of difference to me). So, all I ask of you is to continue being the wonderful person that you are and shine one the rest of the world just as how you shone your light on me.

Lovingly yours

A Letter to K

A Letter to K

This was originally supposed to be handwritten and hidden for you to find at the most random time but that hasn’t happened. But I promise to get to it eventually, because physical notes are the best. Let’s go back 10 years to when I probably first saw you. I like to not use the word hate, so let’s just say that I very strongly disliked you. You were not my favourite person. From the in form beauty pageant to the lunch orders, some may say we were never destined to be friends. But somewhere in the transition from one academic year to the other, we became friends. Neither of us remember how but it did happen. And if not you but I believe that that was one of the best things that could have possibly happened to me. I’m happy we became friends and now basically inseparable.

       We tend not to be the best communicators, whether it’s talking about our feelings or just even when it comes to seeing each other often, but when we do, it’s like nothing has changed. We sit and talk(sometimes sleep), eat, watch a show/movie….or ten and it’s like everything is fine. For those few hours, there are no problems because we help each other to forget. It’s a time for reasoning. It’s a time where we let loose and allow for expression with no room for judgement.

       Ok, this is where I get a little mooshy. Without having met you, I don’t think I’d be the person I am today. You have taught me so much and continue to teach me each day. You have been a light in the darkness for me many times and for that I am truly grateful. I doubt that if it wasn’t for you, I’d be able to properly express myself at the level that I exhibit today. And even though I’m not the best at it, it’s way better than it could have been. You have provided a safe space for me to be able to express my thoughts with no judgement with the knowledge that I can always come to you and talk to you. You allow me to speak my mind with the knowledge that you would only provide guidance where you can and when needed.

       I don’t think I will ever be able to truly express my gratitude and love for how much you have done for me and with me. But thank you. From the bottom of my heart you have impacted me in such a positive way that you may never understand but I will try to explain when I can for, hopefully, the rest of my life.

Lovingly yours

