I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors that may appear
within this post for I have not proof read it and so I’m warning
you before you read it because you might encounter some errors that may make
you question my schooling…
Now, after asking a few
friends what to write about I decided that I would do this one first.
University. The majority
of us want to go to university. Some of us will be the first in our family to
go, others may be the second and for some it’s just
normal that after high school, you go to university. No matter what the case most
of us believe that by going to a university/college, we’ll be able to make our lives better and get some of the things that
we’ve always wanted…myself

Why is it that for the
average person living with an average family it is next to impossible to afford
tuition? I mean, I don’t expect it to be completely free or on the verge
of it but are you seriously telling me that the price that is set for
university tuition is taking into account those whose parents don’t have million dollar jobs...can they honestly say that?
Sure, some might be
saying ‘You don’t know how much it is to run a university’ and though that may be true shouldn’t it be
the goal, of especially all countries, to try and ensure that as many of their
citizens are able to qualify for the jobs they want, to be able to earn enough
money and eventually and hopefully invest in their home country?
I can’t seem to wrap my mind around the fact that the majority of people in
a country are unable to afford college/university tuition, myself included. When
I think of what I want to study and the amount of money it will cost my parents
I have to wonder, why must it be like this? And I’m not
talking about any specific course in particular. Look at so many of the
professions out there today, medicine, law, mass comm., engineering, nursing,
etc. all these professions and half of the students at university now, their
parents...or even them, are struggling and squeezing every penny in order to
try and pay school fees.
Don’t even get me started on scholarships because even though they are available
so many people want them and very often, so little are given out and not saying
that there are people worse off than some and that they don’t deserve it but I’m saying even though say I have absolutely no
money and someone else has just a tad bit more than me and we’re both equally involved in our communities and school and we got the
same grades...even though the other person can’t afford
it either, I’ll get the scholarship...no one ever thinks of the
others who apply but don’t get through. How will they pay for their school
fee as well?
But enough about that,
the last thing I have to say when it comes to this topic is...after spending
all of that money to study in university/college, can you imagine coming out of
school and not being able to find a job? with things like student loans to pay
back and needing to eat and have shelter, after you’ve scraped up all that money to go to university, study your butt off
and get your degree only to go out into the working world and be told by every
person that they have no jobs available…what are you supposed to do then?
If anyone would like to
enlighten me on anything that I’ve spoken about, feel free to do so because everyone has an opinion
and unless you make your voice be heard, how can you ever expect anything to
change? So speak up and be heard...try and make a difference.